BAZ, Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe, TV Licences, Radio Licences, Netflix, DStv, Digital TV ZBC channels

Slides: Digital Patterns During Zimbabwe’s Lockdown

We did an informal unscientific survey to look at how patterns have changed (if they did) during Zimbabwe’s COVID 19 necessitated lockdown.

The respondents were mostly regular Techzim visitors. This obviously means the sample is not representative of the wider Zim society at all. However, this is a sample of individuals marketers call ‘early adopters’ and therefore their experiences as consumers could point to where the Zimbabwean urban consumer is going in the not too distant future.

The presentation is mostly a series of percentages. We hope you can make sense of the numbers.

We are extremely appreciative to all the people who filled in the questionnaire. A big thank you to all of you.

Here’s what we found out:

[slideshare id=232416037&doc=zimbabwelockdowntrendsrevised-200422105722]


  1. Imi Vanhu Musadaro

    You can’t move to the next slides on mobile. Haven’t tried on desktop.

    • Phyb

      Try using Chrome. For me it worked fine….

    • Tinashe Nyahasha

      Sorry about that. I could open on my mobile using Chrome. Which browser were you using so I can explore any possible fixes.

      • Imi Vanhu Musadaro

        It works in Chrome, thanks. I use Brave by default.

        • Tinashe Nyahasha

          Thank you. Will do some googling on why it didn’t work with Brave and if there is a fix

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