Zim No Longer Included In Global Survey On Data Prices Because Of Unstable Currency

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Cable UK annually makes cost of data reports comparing the pricing of data in over 200 countries the world over. We’ve referenced their work in a number of articles before and when we received an email with the latest report we were looking forward to seeing how well or poorly Zim was ranked.

Unfortunately Cable UK’s report no longer compiles data from Zimbabwe simply citing an “unreliable exchange rate” as the reason behind our beloved country’s exclusion.

Cable’s position is understandable – between 3 and 25 February- Econet and NetOne changed pricing for their bundles. The following month they did so again and early this month another increment was effected by both MNOs. This means by the time Cable’s report surfaced the price reflected would be woefully inacurate.

Fixed internet providers ZOL and TelOne also went through a similar cycle increasing pricing for their packages in March. The former went a step further and announced an increment for Wibroniks in April as well meaning the pricing reflected in Cables report compiled in February would have been way off.

Until the economy has stabilised – such reports will probably leave Zimbabwe off their lists because of the abnormal situation we find ourselves in. Zim is the only country left out of the research because of the fluctuating exchange rates.

There are 13 other countries excluded and the reason for their exclusion is due to the fact that there are no service providers or the ones there only provide access to 2G.

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