You remember when a good number of EcoCash customers woke up to messages that said they had successfully registered for EcoSure and so a dollar had been deducted from their wallets. That was strange because most of these folks had not tried to register for EcoSure!
A repeat?
Here is an example of what a number of EcoCash customers woke up to today:

You can find many similar cases being brought forward on social media for example when you search for this on Twitter.
What is this?
This doesn’t seem to have just happened today. Such cases seem to have existed since 2018 at least. A customer was affected by this last week and here is the response they got from Cassava Smartech on Twitter:
Hi there. Kindly note the funds were deducted for recoveries. You made a banking transaction which registered as failed and so we reversed the funds back into your Ecocash. However, the funds later credited to your bank, meaning your received the funds twice instead of once. The recoveries are correcting that, so please engage your bank for further assistance
This is crazy!
The explanation given to the customer above is logical and perhaps valid. However, this does not in any way exonerate EcoCash. They should have communicated far better than to just send a message that “the customer has successfully made a payment” to some account no one knows even exists.
If indeed customers had double dipped, it’s EcoCash and their banking partners’ fault. As such, they should have sent out messages that explain that this is what happened and therefore they will be recovering the funds. Just sending a message that claims that a customer has made a payment is just not acceptable. It would have been better if the message said “We have deducted this amount to recover blah blah blah”
We have reached out to EcoCash to find out what’s going on and we will update when we get a response. This is disappointing to say the least.
24 responses
Its true i once had the same problem, but when i visited econet they told me to visit the bank and at the bank they failed to explain, still worried, coz my 200zw us still missing
But to inform the costomer in advance about the pending deduction might be dangerous. He/she might make sure there us no money in the eckcash acount. True.
I was also affected. When to the bank they had no clue of such instruction to ecocash. In as much I have called ecocash customer service which is rarely answered. I asked ecocash to bring up the transactions that failed and they could provide evidence. It looks like ecocash is on a fundraising process.
But to inform the costomer in advance about the pending deduction might be dangerous. He/she might make sure there us no money in the eckcash acount. True.
Ecocash is a company of thieves, up to now my 200rtgs disappeared in Dec, I went there twice to enquire and up to date I haven’t recovered my money yet..
It has happened twice to me ,jus this Tuesday the took another 200 n I last used my mobile moola account God knows when.The same happened 2 my husband ecocash has started again.
Never got my money back…. They gave me the run around until I had used more than they took and just gave up. It’s really unfair and infuriating
They always do the say. My account has been deducted twice today of the same. Lets try and use one wallet until they start to value clients. The same happened with their connected car department until people start to move To Istar tracking zimbabwe where there is affordable service and no arrogance
I have experienced this in the last 2 weeks and on querying matter i couldn’t get any meaningful feedback up to now. Worse, with this lockdown, i am unable to vis their office to have the issue rectified. Just to wake up and find $300 tajen without any explanation or prior warning has put me off my budget. Failed to service my ecosure and First Mutual policy premiums.
I think if a person was unaware the funds were returned twice, it’s a big issue to deduct money without a very clear explanation. A date reference would be helpful to reconcile ones transactions. And, though people may want to bash Econet, some people proudly use doubly reversed funds thinking the mistake won’t be discovered. Then when this happens, they make noise not because Econet is “stealing”, but because they were caught off-guard and don’t have the decency to admit they double dipped.
Sometimes you buy bundles and you don’t receive the bundles yet the money is deducted or you pay someone and he doesn’t receive the money yet in your acocash account Its deducted you call them they don’t pick but if they do they keep on referring you to other numbers till u get tired of it…. Honestly they are being unethical in the way they operate… Many are losing their money to them
It wont be logical to say all the people had reversals of 500 that are deducted on the same day. Either the bank or ecocash cant find a logical explanation for it. Maybe they are in this together. Suffered the same fate
I had 500 deducted in January. I followed up with my bank and there was no such transaction. I had not double dipped at all and I never got my money back.
Perhaps they trying to reverse all the electronic money they have created!
Am a similar victim of two recent $500 deducted from my account and no satisfactory explanation given to date
Im not a fan of anyone but if i can ask? besides writing articles do you guys understand the conplexicity of recovering these funds. I use ecocash my account is alright coz i did not defraud the company. Customers are stubborn many peopls lose jobs after such revenue leakages occur. My pwn father double dipped from a Bank and we had to pay back.
Utilise funds that are yours its just a principle that lacks.
Idzi imbavha, Ko dzedu dzavanotora you wake to find a msg that they have refunded. Econet has lots of money from failed ecocash transcations, the wont do any reversal. Havadi kunyura ivo asi kubira vanhu. For that simple reason i will never link my account to ecocash, i use ecocash coz i have no option. OneMoney step up your game. So far no complain with 1money, on their coverage.
I once benefited from the error, cozz i send 5000 to my bank from 500 and spinned the time they recovered their money on monday my bank had 10k. It was free loan.
Same thing happened to me in January this year. Went to econet and they said it was a banks problem and the bank had no idea what happened. So I actually had to to pay the overdraft balance in my bank of 350. Econet said they would reconcile the account and return my money. Nothing as yet to date. Very disappointed.
I am very worried also with this econet people sometime back in April l have lost 5700rtgs to eco cash scam when l try to visit them they jus refer me to the numbers that wont through.
End now in the police case
Im jus suffering the fate
I experienced it also about 3 days ago I added 2 more people and they deducted 150 RTGS instead of 100 when I called they didn’t answer
They have started again this 2024