Econet Group To Conduct 100 000 Coronavirus Tests

MARS Ambulance, ZOL

The Econet group and Cassava Smartech just announced the launch of Maisha Testing – a service that will offer Coronavirus testing to Zimbabwean citizenry.

The 100 000 test kits will be offered to different sets of citizens;

  1. Citizens employed in the Econet Wireless Group, Cassava Smartech, Liquid Telecom, Mutare Bottling and Higherlife Foundation. This will be free;
  2. Corporates can also pay for testing of their employees at US$25/employee. Testing will be done on-site or at a Maisha appointed franchise;
  3. Free testing for low-income earners in high density, peri-urban and rural communities;
  4. Individuals can book a home call for testing at household level and a Vaya ambulance will be dispatched to carry out testing.

Maisha will determine who is eligible for low-income testing by drawing into the Higher Life Foundation’s (HLF) database. HLF CEO Dr Kennedy Mubaiwa shared that their organisation already works extensively with low-income communities – working with 98 children’s homes in the country, 20 000 orphaned and vulnerable children.

He also highlighted that they have offices in each of the 10 provinces suggesting that the free testing initiative will not be limited to Harare province.

Maisha Health’s Franchise Model

Maisha Health will be adopting a franchise model in order to “scale the testing at national level”. Both private and public health service providers looking to be part of the program will need to register and get licencing from the government first. From there Maisha will provide them with testing kits and protective equipment.

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