Company Threatens To Sue NetOne For Accusing Them Of Entering Illegal Deal With Muchenje

Lazarus Muchenje, NetOne

When allegations of Muchenje’s misconduct as NetOne CEO were revealed, there was mention of one Bankai International Private Limited…

Lazarus Muchenje was accused of having unlawfully signed an interconnection contract with Bankai to the tune of US$1 million. Muchenje is said to have signed off on the selling of 9 million minutes to this company using a heavily discounted rate resulting in NetOne losing out on US$2.24 million.

Two months later more allegations of Muchenje’s misconduct were linked to Bankai. This time it was alleged that Muchenje supplied the company with 2000 NetOne numbers without SIM cards and that these numbers were subsequently authorised for use without subscriber identification.

The state alleged that this actually put the nation at risk because these numbers “bypass the home location register”. This allegation is hard to breakdown because from my understanding it’s not possible for a SIM card to bypass the home location register (HLR). This is because every time a SIM card attempts to make a call it actually consults the HLR.

Anyway that’s besides the point. The point is Bankai has been brought up in the NetOne vs Muchenje fiasco and it seems the company isn’t too smitten by this.

The company issued the statement below;

At the onset, we manifestly refute and renounce each and every averments or allegations claim(s) made in the said Sources or in any other sources that these kinds of defamatory and derogatory allegations are alleged against us, as being wrong, fálse, frivolous baseless and vexatious. and State that nothing contained in the said sources is accepted/ admitted or deemed to be acceptable, admittable by us,  save and except which is specifically admitted herein.

In fact, bare perusal of the aforesaid sources prima facie proves that Netone Cellular Private Limited (Netone) has indulged into unfair or illegal trade practices by dragging Bankai International Private Limited and its affiliates and Sister concern (Bankai) in its internal conflicts defamed Bankai.

At the onset this is to confirm that Bankai executed appended agreement With NetOne through various entities of Bankai group

i. Unilateral Buy agreement dated 10 December 2019

2.           Number Range Provision Agreement dated 12 December 2019

3.           International Top-Up Agreement dated 9th Of January. 2020,

It is added for your kind information that aforesaid Agreement(S) were executed after the rounds of negotiations between the official representatives of Bankai and NetOne and after coming to consensus ad idem the said agreements were executed hence the execution of the Agreement(s) are flawless and without any defect.

In fact, after executing aforesaid agreement, we wired $10.000 USD pursuant to Top Up agreement to get the recharge done, however till now neither NetOne has given requisite recharge nor replied to our concerns.

Apart from being liable to indemnify Bankai for all the losses or damages whether direct Or indirect which Bankai may incur due to the defamatory and derogatory Actions of Netone, it is also liable to Bankai for US$10,000 which Bankai paid to NetOne for availing recharge.

With this notice, we call Netone to comply ensuing within 7 (seven) days from the date of this Notice failing which shall constraint Bankai to initiate opposite proceedings against NetOne including but not limited to approaching the same news sources used to propagate the damaging information against them.

If the statement is too long and riddled with law-speak here’s a summary of sorts:

  • Bankai accepts that they got into a top-up agreement with NetOne but after they wired US$10000 to NetOne they didn’t receive any communication nor a recharge from NetOne;
  • Bankai is demanding their US$10000 worth in recharge;
  • Bankai is calling on NetOne to retract their statement as it could harm their reputation;
  • If NetOne doesn’t do so Bankai is threatening litigation

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