EcoCash Airtime Recharges Aren’t Showing In Customer Accounts.

Customers have been tweeting out that they were buying airtime through EcoCash but weren’t receiving the funds. When they checked their EcoCash balance the money for the transaction was deducted.

The problem started late last night and some still haven’t received their airtime or had their money returned to their EcoCash accounts.

An Econet Spokesperson confirmed that last night there was a technical issue with Econet’s charging platform. It wasn’t an issue on EcoCash’s side of the transaction. The spokesperson also confirmed that the situation has been resolved.


14 responses

  1. Takura Avatar

    The issue has already been resolved & we already received our own cash back. Am sure if you can re-check again with them and with customers. It would be cool for us readers here.

    1. Ashton Avatar

      Mari dzichirikungotorwa hapana zvagadzirwa apa shefu

  2. Denver Avatar

    Zvasotwa kare izvi. Team Econet iri fast wena.

  3. Chealsea Sedze Avatar
    Chealsea Sedze

    Thanks for the update but the issue has already been rectified.

  4. Sheila Avatar

    Their system is now stable. Seems issue has been resolved long back.

  5. Mondis Tapiwa Avatar
    Mondis Tapiwa

    The speed & level of excellence withing these guys is beyong this world. I received my cent back and my friends also. Really cool!!!! Level ravo rakakwira chaizvo.

  6. Zengeya Mpofu Avatar
    Zengeya Mpofu

    Varikutosota izvezvi i know. Hanzi vamwe vatowana kare saka zvakarongeka wena. No hussles with these guys. They dont dissappoint.

  7. Wonder Avatar

    I recieved airtime from a friend but my balance is insufficient.

  8. Ashton Avatar

    The systerm kana iri stable why yangu isati yadzoka and ndikubva kuisa imwe yatorwa futi

  9. Baba Avatar

    Haven’t received my airtime but it was deducted from my ecocash wallet

  10. Takue Avatar

    Ko chii chirikuitika with this platform mari yatorwa asi airtime hakuna

    1. Og Avatar

      same problem

      1. Og Avatar

        solved , didnt see the other text

  11. Norman Nembo Avatar
    Norman Nembo

    Bought my ecocash line 0772408558 airtime valued $350 for netone line 0717994193 . Deduction made from my ecocash wallet but airtime not received

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