Rwanda Deploys Robotic Health Workers To Minimise Coronavirus Risk

Health workers have been exposed to the highest risk during COVID-19 since their work makes it pretty hard to observe social distancing and they directly interface with those who have the virus on a daily basis.

Rwandan medical workers at a COVID-19 treatment facility in the East African country have deployed robots made by a Belgian company to carry out some medical work to reduce the risk of contracting the virus.

The robots will carry out tasks like taking temperature and monitoring patients. In addition to that, the robots can also deliver food and medical supplies to patients.

A Rwandan government official also laid to rest fears that these robots would be taking medical staffers jobs instead highlighting that the robots are just there to “complement” efforts by existing staffers.

David Turatsinze, a doctor at the facility where the robots have been deployed is already looking to the future and hopes that at some point in the future the robots can be programmed to be more useful;

In the future if they are programmed to take even blood pressure and the (blood) sugar, that definitely would be so helpful

Dr David Turatsinze

Rwanda has been celebrated for its embrace of tech and fellow team member acknowledged as much after visiting the country two years ago. This isn’t the first time they’ve used technology to solve problems in their health sector with Zipline a health startup conducting blood deliveries using drone technology.

Rwanda is an example for many African countries that innovation doesn’t always have to start in the west and the country is making big strides in ensuring technology is a big part of the countries future.

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