Twitter Rolling Out Stories/Status Feature: Who Asked For This?

Techzim Twitter, Techzim, Twitter on iOS, social networking, social media, Tweeting

So yesterday, I woke up to an unpleasant surprise. Stories/Statuses on Twitter! The first thing I asked myself when I saw this, is who exactly asked for this and it seems I’m not the only one;

Now those are just 3 users and you would assume that some users do actually want the feature which will is called Fleets. It seems right now the feature is only available in India, Brazil and Italy.

So why introduce this?

Twitter says the feature is a way for users to express themselves and I think its fair to say they are correct. The feature originally came to define Snapchat and from there was copied by Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook. On all these platforms it became a way of increasing user interaction and it worked.

We’re testing a way for you to think out loud without the Likes, Retweets, or replies, called Fleets! Best part? They disappear after 24 hours

Similarly, when the feature was announced on all of the aforementioned platforms, there was a loud cry of discontent from users who were not happy about having to change their usage pattern.

Maybe I’m complaining right now but I’ll become the biggest user of this feature. I do hope that’s not the case.

From the test in India, we’ll learn how adding a new mode of conversation changes the way Indians engage on Twitter. It’ll also be interesting to see if it further amplifies the diversity of usage by allowing people to share what they’re thinking in a way that is light-touch and light-hearted.

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