Foreign exchange auction results are in. The rate is sitting at US$1.00 to ZWL$65.8765 (rounded up to 65.88).
The highest bid was ZWL$90.00 and the lowest was ZWL$30.00. The weighted average was ZWL$65.8765 an increase from last week’s ZWL$63.7.
The amount allotted was US$13 602 407.84 a decrease from last week’s US$16 321 028.61. (The total bids however amounted to US$15 872 481.93 closer to last week’s figure of US$16.3, Supply and Demand?)
Purpose | Amount Allotted |
Manufacturing | 5,621,578.86 |
Retail and Distribution | 1,936,463.70 |
Services | 1,864,916.71 |
Agriculture | 1,089,108.24 |
Construction, Engineering and Electricals | 1,036,653.18 |
Energy (Gas) | 575,421.34 |
Paper and Packaging | 468,800.00 |
Consumables (Spares and Parts) | 438,423.46 |
Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals | 411,042.35 |
Mining | 160,000.00 |
Total | 13,602,407.84 |
Check out our new Forex Rates page for the Old Mutual Implied Rate.
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