25Th JULY 2020
The Zimbabwe Republic Police wishes to advise that the COVID-19 national lockdown measures announced His Excellency, President E.D. Mnangagwa on 21 July 2020 and the subsequent promulgation of Statutory Instrument 174/2020, members of the public should take note of the following to ensure their passage through roadblocks and without hassles:-
Service Provider Health
• Uniform and health ID cards• Those in civilian attire, a letter from Medical Superintendent or Chief Executive Officer (CEO) stating the place, dates and times of reporting on and off duty. The contact details of Chief Executive Officer to be indicated on the letter.
Companies/ Organisations
• Letters from Company Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or General Manager (GM) stating the place, days and times of reporting on and off duty. The contact details of Chief Executive Officer to be indicated on the letter.Ministries/ Parastatals HQ and Provincial Levels
• At National level, an exemption letter from Directors and above stating the duty, place, days and times of reporting.• At Provincial level, an exemption letter from the Provincial Heads stating the duty, place, days and times of reporting. The letter to indicate contact details of the responsible person.
Commercial, A2 and A1 Farmers
• An offer letter/lease agreement and an exemption certificate from local Officer In Charge station.Communal Farmers
• Supporting letter from the Headman/Village Head stating the business to be done, the date, time, place and an exemption letter from OIC Station. The contact details of headman or village head to be indicated.
Food retailers
• Certified photocopies of a Shop Licence and an exemption letter from local Officer In Charge StationSole Traders
Shop licence accompanied by an exemption letter from local Officer it Charge station
Private Security Services• Uniform, company ID and letter from services the management stating dates and time of reporting on and off duty. Letter to indicate contact details of Chief Executive Officer or responsible person
Medical resupplies
• Medical cards/prescription and contact details of Doctor where possibleAttendance of funerals
• Concerned relatives to produce copy of burial order to local Police station. • Officer In Charge Station, Officer Commanding District and Officer Commanding Province to issue exemption letters showing destination and dates of movement to those who intend to bury relatives in other towns, rural areas, etc.
In addition, members of the public are implored to do their shopping within a five-kilometre radius from their residence to acquire basic necessities like food, gas and medicine. The public should also make prior arrangements to obtain assistance for themselves or someone to whom they are related or have a duty to care for. This includes an ill person whom they are related to or care for purposes of rendering medical assistance.
The Police are once again reminding the public to conduct permitted activities between the hours of 0600 hours and 1800 hours of each day.
The observance of the national lockdown measures will promote the effective maintenance of law and order by police and other services.
[NYATHI. P] Assistant CommissionerSenior Staff Officer [Press, Public and International Relations]
To the Commissioner General of Police
Police General Headquarters
Zimbabwe Republic Police
This is total madness of that evil and murderous mnangagwa. His is acting as if he has a heart for the people whilist he killed thousands of people in Matebeleland now he is suffocating people with hunger.
Some of ours we are heathcare providers working out of town Monday to Friday will be at stations providing essential services. Come weekend we want to get in town police should let us go when we show them our work I’d. With out asking unnecessary things. Another thing police officers should properly wear masks that is well cover they nose and mouth please. Ndivo big source of spreading covid 19.
My god zvichiri zvecorona virus here izvi? Ian Smith hapana chaakaona nemaPassLaws ake and vari Wuhan ndofunga vari kutozvishayirwa kuti is this the same virus yatiri kupedza kurwisa tese world over kana kuti yemuzimbabwe virus ine pfuti nemagrenade malaser beams nezvimwe zvombo zvehondo (weapons of mass destruction) zvatiri kuda kuuraya vana vehurumende yedu nazvo? Uuuuuum tiri pamberi
Ko isu tinono tenga kumbare musika tofamba sei