Econet has released new tariffs for calls, data and SMSs

Econet Logo at their HQ, tethering hotspot

Following Telecel and NetOne, Econet has released new prices for out of bundle voice, data and SMS. These prices take effect from the fourth of August:

Dear Valued Customer

Please note our Voice, Data & SMS out of bundle tariffs as per regulatory approval effective 4 August 2020.

Voice – ZWL$0.0722 per second

Data – ZWL$0.8668 per MB

SMS – ZWL$1.0980 per SMS

To access Voice & Data bundles, dial *143#
To access new SMS bundles, dial *140#

All prices are inclusive of taxes.

Econet Wireless


4 responses

  1. The Principal Avatar
    The Principal

    How I “hate” that “per second” figure for calls. It’s practically “dumb.” I prefer the per minute figure though billing remains per second.

    1. Nyadzeni Avatar

      So true, why put prices ‘per second’.

  2. Ndabezinhle Ndimande Avatar
    Ndabezinhle Ndimande

    Econt is a RIP off, no wonder why they are in a fix

    1. mupari Avatar

      But honestly if i give you 4 zwl right now, what else will u be able to buy? That tariff does not make sense, and you still expect them to continue investing in mobile infrastructure

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