This week’s foreign exchange auction has been completed and the results are as follows:
- Amount Allotted US$ 18 531 336.74
- The Highest Rate ZWL$ 87.00
- The Lowest Rate ZWL$ 70.00
- The Lowest Bid Accepted Rate ZWL$ 78.00
- Total Bids: US$ 19 773 961.25
Weighted Average Rate ZWL$80.4663
Raw materials | 7,566,099.30 |
Machinery and Equipment | 4,506,804.60 |
Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals | 1,710,908.75 |
Retail and Distributions | 1,444,143.82 |
Consumables | 1,326,311.90 |
Services | 1,221,265.77 |
Fuel, Electricity and Gas | 552,802.60 |
Paper and Packaging | 203,000.00 |
TOTAL | 18 531 336.74 |