Searching for famous people online is relatively easy. Information is readily available and it is usually accompanied by news about or surrounding them. It’s different if you are searching for someone who offers a service you need for example. The first route is usually asking around to see if anyone has the contact you are looking for. Depending on what it is, the circle of people you know may not have the information. Another route is through search engines, but some businesses may not have their contacts listed. The last route maybe through social media but that too is hit or miss. It seems as though Google may have been aware of this and have launched a feature called People Cards.
People Cards is a feature that allows anyone with a Google account to create a short bio about themselves or a business card which can be discovered when searched. People Cards was announced by Google on their India blog, and the feature, for now, is only available in India and on mobile.
Setting up a Card is a simple process:
- Sign in to your Google account
- Type “add me to search” in the search bar
- By tapping the “Add yourself to Google” it will open and ask for your phone number and so Google can send you a six-digit code.
- When verification is complete you can then add details about yourself, a brief bio, occupation, location etc.
- Lastly, you can view the card that will be displayed in search

Google says that its goal is to make sure people find helpful and reliable information. They have set out some protections and controls, the first being the mobile number verification and the second being that one Card is allowed per Google account.
“We have a number of mechanisms to protect against abusive or spammy content, and if you come across low-quality information or a card that you believe was created by an impersonator, you can tap the feedback link to let us know. If you no longer want your people card to appear in Search, you can delete it at any time.”
People Cards (whenever they make their way here), look like they will be an easy and convenient way for professionals, performers, and entrepreneurs to self advertise. Whoever is searching for them will have to have the correct name of course, but it makes it a lot easier than going through other websites and services to find the person you are looking for.
There are websites like LinkedIn that already do this, but to have the registration process cut out by going through a preexisting Google account makes this feature one with very little friction. Google also seems to have addressed the issue of common names as well:
“For people who share the same name, you’ll see multiple modules, and the information can help you distinguish between the different individuals to find who you’re looking for.”
There is no word yet when this will be available to other parts of the world.