Second combined Forex Auction results, rate at 82.92

Samora Machel Avenue showing the Financial District

The second combined Forex results are in and the rate. from the weighted average, is ZWL$82.92.

The results are as follows:

SME Auction #3Main Auction #9
Amount Allotted US$517 630.88US$13 679 558.32
Highest RateZWL$85.0000ZWL$88.3800
Lowest RateZWL$78.0000ZWL$80.0000
Lowest Accepted RateZWL$78.0000ZWL$80.0000
Total Bids AcceptedUS$517 630.88US$13 679 558.32
Number of Bids Recieved56113
Number if Bids Disqualified 1617

Weighed Average Rate ZWL$82.9184

PURPOSEAmount Allotted Main AuctionAmount Allotted SME Auction
Raw Materials5 267 239.56180 953.85
Machinery and Equipment 2 826 784.4696 791.85
Consumables (incl Spare, Tyres, Electricals)1 941 302.6378 526.56
Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals 1 221 045.6857 358.62
Services (Loans, Dividends, Disinvestments, etc)946 712.6454 000.00
Retail and Distribution (Incl. Food, Beverages, etc)471 792.0050 000.00
Fuel, Electricity and Gas 671 834.80
Paper and Packaging332 882.55
Total 13 679 558.32517 630.88
Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe

Grand Total Awarded US$14 197 189.20


One response

  1. M2 Avatar

    Only 96 entities were awarded forex in the whole country on the main auction and fuel, electricity and gas only USD670,000 (and its been this low since the auctions started). At some point Zimbabwe was said to require 5,000,000 litres of fuel per day. Something doesn’t quite add up.

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