Batman Unburied, a scripted narrative series coming to Spotify

Batman Unburied

Image Credit: Jim Lee/DC

In June, Spotify and Warner Bros. announced a multi-year partnership to produce original Podcasts. These podcasts will be scripted narrative audio series featuring popular DC characters like Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman and more. The first series to come out from this partnership is titled, Batman Unburied.

The narrative series will be led by David Goyer, the screenwriter on Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy. Batman Unburied will reportedly explore the darker side of Bruce Wayne’s psyche.

“I’ve been a fan of narrative podcasts for some time and was looking for the right story — returning to Batman seems like the perfect opportunity,”

“We’ll be using the unique advantages of audio to dig into the more nightmarish members of the Dark Knight’s Rogues Gallery”

David Goyer

It’s not surprising that they picked Batman for the first series. He is among the most recognisable comic book characters. Getting David Goyer on board to executive produce is a big win because he is familiar with the character and the DC Universe in general. Beyond the work he did on The Dark Knight he also developed and executive produced DC television shows Krypton (Syfy), Constantine (NBC) and The Sandman (Netflix).

There was no further information on Batman Unburied. Spotify is reportedly keeping most of the details a secret. Spotify did, however, say that the series will debut in 2021.

As an aside…

I think it’s also worth mentioning that late last year Marvel made a similar deal with SiriusXM and Pandora. The partnership would include scripted and unscripted series, themed live events and more.

The Marvel and DC fandoms could soon be taking their feud from the silver screen to the audio format.

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