FBC launches WhatsApp banking chatbot

FBC Bank, zero-rate, internet banking platform, loan limit

FBC Bank has announced the launch of Noku, “a smart Digital Assistant” (i.e a chatbot) assisting clients with banking and insurance services on Whatsapp at any time of the day. Noku also allows anyone to open an FBC Instant Account or Mobile Moola wallet on WhatsApp without visiting a physical branch.

Existing FBC account-holders who are registered for Mobile Moola can start banking with Noku on Whatsapp by saving the number 0776 670 211 on their smartphones as a phone contact.

PS: I tried to sign up for the Mobile Moola account and before doing so I was prompted to read the Ts & Cs. I followed the link and there weren’t any Ts & Cs. A glaring error that FBC needs to fix as soon as possible…

Once Noku’s contact is saved, one can initiate a conversation with Noku in the same way they do when chatting with a friend or relative on WhatsApp. Just send a message e.g ‘Greetings’, ‘Hi’, ‘Whatsapp’, ‘Etaa’, ‘Maswera sei?’ or ‘Ndeipi’ to start banking or insuring with Noku.

Noku, can serve clients with the following services:

Banking services

  • Balance Enquiry
  • Mini Statement
  • Bill Payments
  • Internal Transfers
  • Zipit to Other Banks
  • Zipit to Cell
  • Mobile Banking Pin change
  • Block Card Functionality
  • Beneficiary Management

Insurance services

  • Third party insurance
  • Third party and Zinara licence
  • Zinara licence only

FBC Bank is dedicated towards supporting sustainable digital processes and creative innovations for driving the delivery of superb service across click-only or digital banking channels.

The bank takes pride in utilising state-of-the art banking systems to offer exceptionally convenient services to our valued clients. It is against this background that we have seen it fit to develop Noku which is our gift to FBC Clients in line with our new promise

It’s great that FBC has decided to join a host of other local banks in offering a WhatsApp banking service that will make internet banking accessible more accessible to their client base.


One response

  1. M2 Avatar

    WhatsApp should consider introducing forms to the mobile app interface. This would greatly enhance the user experience with such services and open up thousands of other potential use cases. The filled form will be posted as a single structured message making up for more efficient data collection and integration with back end systems.

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