Tisu vanhu vacho episode 2 – swimming the Zambezi, Astrology, music and Zim Youtube

Tisu Vanhu Vacho Episode

Tisu vanhu vacho, vanhu vacho vapi? The people behind Techzim’s articles, videos and social media. Introducing the crew, we have our video wizard and Swiss Army knife – Edwin. Our social media manager who has been keeping things ticking on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram – Shamie. Last but not least, the two guys behind the articles Farai and Valentine. 

The Podcast is a chance for all of us to share things that we find, interesting, noteworthy, controversial or all of the above. It’s relaxed, informal and is a platform for us to share our ideas and opinions.

Tisu vanhu vacho episode 2

On this episode we talk about:

  • We attempt to find highlights to life thus far (Someone tried to swim the Zambezi)
  • Our individual positions on Astrology and star signs
  • Music
  • The YouTube sphere in Zimbabwe

You can also listen to the Podcast using the links below:

Like all good conversations the more opinions the better. You can join in the conversation whether it’s on the comments section or on social media using the hashtag #tisuvanhuvacho. 

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