Within days ZESA increases tariffs by a further 50% with effect from today

ZESA billboard

Last week ZESA, through a communique, announced the increase in electricity tariffs by 50%. In a strange turn of events, tariffs have been increased again by a further 50% of the ones that took effect on the 23rd of September 2020.

The new tariffs are as follows:

Tarrifs take effect from the 1st of October 2020

New ZESA tariffs

Consumption Bands kWhPrice (ZWL$)
1 – 50kWh1.11
51 – 200kWh2.43
201 – 300kWh6.62
Above 300kWh10.38

Old Tariffs

Consumption Bands kWhPrice (ZWL$)
1 – 50kWh0.74
51 – 200kWh1.62
201 – 300kWh4.41
Above 300kWh6.92

If you want to see how many units you will get according to the new prices you can use the Techzim ZESA calculator here.

And here’s where to buy your ZESA tokens online.


23 responses

  1. Juno Avatar

    Aaaargh and of course their system is down today

    1. John coert Avatar
      John coert

      Zesa increased the rates last week according to keep up with inflation. How can inflation go up another 50% in just a week. Zimbabweans are being ripped off once again

  2. Ben Avatar

    Tariff takes effect immediately not 2 October as stated in this articles.

    1. Valentine Muhamba Avatar
      Valentine Muhamba

      Apologies, that was an error on my part the tariffs take effect from today.

      1.  Avatar

        The calculator should also effect the 6% REA
        It’s a good tool though

      2. Stix Mlambo Avatar
        Stix Mlambo

        Is this 50% increase? Maybe my math is not up to scratch

  3. Mdulababy Avatar

    but Zesa website when you buy for $500.00 for the first time this month you will get 57.55kwh and yet your calculator gives 212.08kwh for the same amount. Which is which?

    1.  Avatar

      For 800 l got 90kwh

    2. Nicholas Avatar

      I have also noticed that and l am skeptical that if l buy now l will lose does anyone have their customer services number?

  4. Tinashe Munyaradzi Avatar
    Tinashe Munyaradzi

    Your calculator is not including the 6% REA levy, but it’s quite a good calculator.

  5. Dc myburgh Avatar
    Dc myburgh

    What must I pay to get 200kwh?

  6. Dzimbanhete Avatar

    Paid $1082 but got 290kwh and not 300kwh. What is the correct position?

  7. taurai Avatar

    Please explain further on new tariffs, purchase for a 1,000 got 279 used to get 400units

  8. Willis Shokobishi Avatar
    Willis Shokobishi

    Bought but no token yet,

  9.  Avatar

    the cumulative price increase for 23rd and 1st October is 125%.. so that means you have to multiply whatever you were paying for 300 kwh by 2.25 to get the new price.

  10.  Avatar

    Why are we being ripped off like this.But they said the austerity measures are over,but it’s getting worse by the day

    1. Stix Mlambo Avatar
      Stix Mlambo

      You are not being ripped off my guy. ZESA is just aligning their price to reflect movements in price of inputs in production. Coal has gone up, water from Zambezi is now too costly, chemicals are out of reach etc. For Zesa to continue generating, it has to pass the costs to the consumer. Unfortunately.

  11. Sheila Bismark-Pettit Avatar
    Sheila Bismark-Pettit

    0n the ZESA prepaid calculator $1100 = 149kwh. Who is correct.

  12. Limwaz Avatar

    Makabisa ana Chasi muchiiya ana Soda venyu ma yes man ku corruption.look at the madness coming out now.Musabe mari dzevanhu poachers nyaraiwo mhani

    1. Stix Mlambo Avatar
      Stix Mlambo

      Ummmmm imboisa politics paside wangu. This has nothing to do with personalities

  13. Van Choga Avatar
    Van Choga

    Iwewe zesa ne Econet ne Police nevamwe venyu nakutambarara semunyemba manje munongo chinja zvinhu last minute

  14. Anonymous Avatar

    Divert to solar. You won’t go wrong

  15. given Avatar

    further proving that zanupf is a tried, tested and failed experiment. the regime keeps imposing itself onto the people who have long since rejected it since the late 90s. zanupf is zimbabwes biggest curse and things will ONLY go haywire with it in charge.

    sanctions are never to blame…smith geniusly busted UK & UN sanctions, Zimbabwe just has a regime that doesnt give a damn!

    they are only interested in power retention and nothing else!

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