New ZESA tariffs and powerbands November 2020

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A little while ago we were told to brace ourselves for ZESA Tariff increases. When the next price increase was arriving was unclear. So we contacted ZETDC through their Facebook and Twitter DMs and the prices we got showed that there wasn’t only a price change but the powerbands had been reworked. The new prices and powerbands are as follows:

New ZESA tariffs and powerbands

Consumption BandsPrice (ZWL$)Est Price including 6% REA
First 50 units1.631.7278
Next 50 units3.273.4662
Next 100 units5.736.0738
Next 100 units8.178.6602
300 units and above10.2810.8968

These tariffs took effect on the 14th of November

Prices for first time purchases:

  • 50 units $86.30
  • 100 units $259.70
  • 200 units $ 866.02
  • 300 units $1732.00

Here are the old tariffs and powerbands for comparison.

Old ZESA and powerbands

Consumption Bands kWhPrice (ZWL$)Estimated Price incl. 6% REA
1 – 50kWh1.671.7702
51 – 200kWh3.653.869
201 – 300kWh9.9210.5152
Above 300kWh15.5719.5042

The new ZESA tariffs and powerbands show that the upper (300 units and above) and lower (first 50 units) powerbands are a little bit cheaper at ZWL$10.28 (from ZWL$15.57) and ZWL$1.63 (from ZWL$1.67) respectively. But the bands in the middle are where the prices have increased.

With the old prices you bought 51 – 200 units at a static ZWL$3.65, but now the next 50 units after the lifeline are priced at ZWL$3.27 and the next 100 units are at ZWL$ 5.37. All of those units were under one charge but are now separately charged at a more expensive price.

Buy your ZESA tokens online here.
If you want to know how many units your next ZESA token purchase will get you, check out the Techzim ZESA token calculator

For the new ZESA Tariffs as of 29/11/2020 click the link below

New ZESA Tariffs: new powerband & small price reduction


2 responses

  1. Ruramai Mataranyika Avatar
    Ruramai Mataranyika

    Techzim is just essentially, we need more curators of information and pricing in Zimbabwe.

  2. Susan Avatar

    I want to purchase 300 units .how much is it

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