NMB Bank has issued a notice to its customers regarding the card cloning messages that have been circulating on social media.
The full statement reads as follows:
Dear Valued Customer
NMB Bank has noted messages circulating on social media regarding card cloning. We would like to assure customers that our security systems have not been compromised and remain sound. We have, however, noted a general increase in card cloning incidences in the market. We encourage all our customers to be alert when making card transactions and guard against card fraud by doing the following:
– Never losing sight of your bank card when making a transaction.
– Never allowing your card to be swiped on a point of sale machine that you cannot see.
– Ensuring that you get your card back after a purchase transaction has been processed.
– Never sharing your PIN with anyone.
– Immediately blocking your missing, lost or stolen card using *241 # or NMBConnect App (under the virtual branch menu) available for download on PlayStore or Appstore.
– Registering for SMS alert service to keep track of your account and blocking your card via NMBConnect App (under the virtual branch menu) or shortcode *241# whenever there is a suspicious transaction. Often, a fraudster will use your card for a small withdrawal or purchase first, followed by a much larger one.
– Reporting to the Bank whenever SMS alerts delay or do not deliver on your registered mobile number.
– Always monitoring your full and mini bank statements for suspicious transactions.
– Always confirming that the card number on your receipt matches the one on your card. If not, report the transaction immediately.
– Not entertaining calls from anyone asking for personal banking information such as PIN and One time Password (OTP). NMB Bank will never call you asking for such information.
– Saving the Bank Contact Numbers at the back of your Debit or Credit card for emergencies.
We encourage customers with Chip and Pin Visa Cards to always insist on merchants to insert their card when making a payment so as to utilise the more secure chip function. Swiping should be the last option where the merchant Point of Sale machine do not support chip functionality.
NMB Bank is in the process of rolling our Chip and PIN enabled cards to all customers. These cards have enhanced security against card fraud.
NMB Bank
For more information, NMB customers can contact the bank through the following channels.
One response
Banks have been slow in implementing chip and pin on local cards. Kudos to CBZ Bank who recently completed this exercise! The next step for the banks is to fully embrace the Zimswitch Query Dispute Resolution and liability shift so that those banks without emv will be liable for losses arising from non compliance!! NMB as Chair of EPAZ needs to lead by example!!