ZESA gives reason for recent power cuts


ZESA has given the nation an update on the power situation as well as outlining the reason for the power cuts that have become an increasingly common feature.

The statement from ZESA reads as follows:

ZESA Holdings would like to advise its valued customers countrywide that there is limited power supply in the national electricity grid due to technical faults at Hwange and Kariba South Power Station.

The depressed power supply situation has also been compounded by the unavailability of normal import levels due to supply constraints in the region.

Restoration of service to optimum levels is currently underway and customers are advised to use the available power very sparingly, especially during the morning peak periods of 0500hrs to 1000hrs and evening peak periods of 1700hrs to 2100hrs.

Customers will be updated as the situation improves.

The inconvenience caused is sincerely regretted.

ZESA Holdings


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