ZSE Direct KYC (Know Your Client) requirements have been changed


The Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE) has issued out a circular that outlines the new ZSE Direct KYC requirements for new registrations as well as existing accounts.

The statement reads as follows:

The Zimbabwe Stock Exchange Limited (“ZSE”) wishes to advise you on the change in Know Your Client (“KYC”) requirements on the ZSE Direct platform. With effect from 23 November 2020, the minimum KYC requirements for an account holder on ZSE Direct is as follows;

1. Certified copy of National ID or Passport

2. Passport Size Photo; and

3. Proof of residence. Acceptable proof of residence will be any one of the following documents, not older than 3 months;

3.1 Bank statement

3.2 Letter from employer

3.3 Affidavit from Landlord

3.4 Lease Agreement 3.5 Utility Bill 3.6 Letter from Councilor /Village Herd

The KYC documents will be uploaded in JPEG/PNG format when you initially register on the platform (www.zsedirect.co.zw).

Kindly note that your registration will not be processed if you do not upload full KYC documents.

For existing clients on ZSE Direct, you can update your KYC requirements on the platform by following these steps:

• Login to your account (www.zsedirect.co.zw)

• Click on Profile

• Select Edit Profile

• Select Upload ID

• Select Document to Upload

You can also send an email with the scanned copy of the KYC documents to zsedirect@zse.co.zw. Accounts with no updated KYC will be suspended from 01 January 2021.

Zimbabwe Stock Exchange

For any further information or clarification you can:

  • Email zsedirect@zse.co.zw
  • Call our Toll Free Line 08004051 (landlines only) or on +263 24 2886830-5

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