Technikari Ep 6: Cyberpunk 2077 Special with Babyboy Gaming

Technikari 6 Cyberpunk 2077

Technikari (Episode 6) the podcast where we talk about everything Tech.

On this episode, we talk about the horrible mess that is Cyberpunk 2077. The much-anticipated game debuted with a litany of bugs. This isn’t a good look for CD Projekt Red (CDPR) because the bugs and issues are so numerous that Sony and Microsoft are offering refunds.

To go deeper into this we are joined by one half of Babyboy Gaming Farai Mudzingwa who has played the game and gives his take on the whole affair.

If you want to check out some of Babyboy Gaming work here’s a sample of a 45 minute playthrough of Cyberpunk 2077 on PS4:

You should also check out the last episode of Technikari where we went in on Sasai new YouTube contender:

Technikari Ep 5: Sasai Watch is set to take on YouTube in Africa. Will it work?

If you want something more downbeat you can check out Tisu Vanhu Vacho, a podcast where the media team at Techzim talks about anything and everything.

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Cover Image Credit: Tech Info Plus

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