Technikari Ep 12: Arguing about EVs with Zimtorque founder Tanaka Kutama

Technikari, Podcast

On this episode of Technikari (12), we are joined by Tanaka Kutama from Zimtorque. He is a former petrol head who has now dedicated his life to spreading the gospel of electric vehicles and is part of the team drafting the EV framework for Zimbabwe.

About Zimtorque

Zimtorque was established in September 2010; initially as a Facebook platform by young Zimbabwean car enthusiasts, to share a passion for the automotive industry. Zimtorque has since from strength to strength, covering all social media platforms and it’s Facebook page and website nearing 13 000 followers.

Starting in 2012 Zimtorque added to its online presence by hosting shows in Harare with the aim of bringing motoring enthusiasts together, to promote the automotive scene within the country and provide a platform with which industry players could highlight their products and services.

Zimtorque’s first major show was in 2012 at Westgate Shopping Mall, then called the Zim Modfest. The show has since grown into the Zimbabwe Auto Festival (ZAF), held at Belgravia Sports club in 2014, 2015, 2016 & 2017. In 2014 Zimtorque was recognised with an award for Contributing to Motorsport in Zimbabwe by the Dragpro Club for its coverage of the Telecel Drag Racing Series. The 2014 Edition of ZAF was also featured in South African Motoring Max MY Ride. South African Speed and Sound Magazine also featured the 2015 edition on it’s website.

It has grown into the premier aftermarket car show in Zimbabwe attracting workshops and visitors from around the country. In between the annual events Zimtorque has hosted several smaller shows such as the Gateway Bass & Shine in 2013 as well as Sound Off events during the Telecel Drag Racing series in conjunction with the Sables DragPro club. (via Zimtorque)


The company has made a massive shift toward electric vehicles. Zimtorque now imports and sells a variety of BEVs (Battery Electric Vehicles) and PHEVs (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles). You can check out their catalogue with the link here.

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