Technikari Ep 8: second-hand device experiences and what to look out for when buying

Technikari, Podcast

Technikari Episode 8: On this episode, we take a trip down memory lane with buying second-hand devices be it games, smartphones or anything else. We also go into what to look out for when you are buying a second-hand phone and some places where you can get one.

You should also check out the last episode of Technikari where we went into the National Switch, ZIPIT Smart and what EcoCash can do to stay relevant:

Technikari Ep 7: If ZIPIT Smart takes off, how could EcoCash innovate to remain relevant?

If you are in the mood for something more downbeat. We have another podcast called Tisu Vanhu Vacho where the media team at Techzim talks about anything and everything. On the late episode, Shamie (our Social Media Editor) tried to get Ed and Valentine into the festive mood and it almost worked.

Tisu Vanhu Vacho Ep 10: Christmas Special!!!


One response

  1. Failed Collector Avatar
    Failed Collector

    I’m not rolling in money, but I’ve yet to buy a second-hand device. The only time I came close was when I wanted to get (I guess, technically collect, it was EOL by then) my 1st phone crush, the Nokia Lumia 930. The guy at Zimpost did a DIY shrink wrap job on the box, complete with a low-effort fake-ass warranty void BOND PAPER sticker!!! My lowly pride as a graphic designer was insulted by the terrible attempt to make it look brand new and I couldn’t inspect the actual phone in hand so I just nopped right out of there! I guess I’m not up to the rigours of life in the second-hand market😅

    Anyway, good episode! You should do a proper writeup of that device PPI (thank you quarantine and youtube for teaching me what a Pre Purchase Inspection is!).

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