ZBC increases prices for TV and radio licences

Valentine Muhamba Avatar

The Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) has increased TV and radio licences. The new prices are as follows:

Old Price (ZWL$) New Price (ZWL$) per term lasting 4 months New Price (ZWL$) Per Year
Car radio licence300.00600.001 800.00
Home radio licence (rural)25.0075.00225.00
Home radio licence (urban)50.00300.00900.00
Home TV licence100.007002 100
Business radio licence50.007002 100
Company car radio600.00800.00 2 400.00
Company TV licence1 000.001 125.004 500.00
ZBC Licencing Office

The new ZBC radio and tv licence fees were published in the Government Gazette last Friday and have been approved by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services.

These new price hikes come at a time when Zimbabweans are locked down because of the pandemic and aren’t earning enough to keep afloat. To make matters worse the licence fees will be reviewed twice “to move in tandem with economic trends”.

One response

  1. TnashMKZ

    Is there anyone actually paying the ZBC licences for their TV’s and radios? With the exception of vehicle radio licenses due to a police officer nearby, I am yet to see anyone pay for their licenses religously since 2014.