Econet data has been performing almost as poorly as NetOne

Econet, Econet data bundles,Econet data bundles prices

NetOne isn’t alone when it comes to shoddy data services of late. Econet has also been having problems with its data and it seems to have started last week when the mobile network operator sent this message on Friday:

“We apologise for the intermittent network challenges you may have experienced. Normal service has been restored. Any inconvenience caused is sincerely regretted.”

Econet via SMS

Well, it seems like the problems have persisted over the weekend and leeched into this week because of the slew of reports of Econet data dropping from time to time. The issue seems to be similar to what NetOne is going through because the reports from Econet subscribers have been of a similar nature.

We reached out to Econet to find out what the issue is and we will let you know if or when we get a repsonse.


  1. Silvester Taurayi Tapfumaneyi

    Very true both have short changed us for almost a year now ,we specializing in video live streaming and off late the upload speed has not been consistent with their promise they are failing us everyday private WiFi bundles and OneFi bundles and this poor Service is cascading to inconveniencing our clientale base who require instant live broadcast ,that include the zol their signal disappear most of the times in Zimre park, Not to mention that on several occasions the data bundles just disappear. We should guard these Service providers ,I don’t think potraz is doing enough on bundles that disappear there must be a scam within these companies of inside workers transfering data to their friends.
    Content Creators should be valued because without enough content the community has nothing to watch from social media as a result their clients will have nothing to download, we increase business to them but they don’t seem to care ,Maybe they have reached their pick and no longer worried about good service,

  2. Patrick

    What would you expect from a company that pays its employees zw$6000 per month by proxy of course! You pay peanuts and peanuts service comes out. That company does not realise that subcontracting labour does not mean losing control. The employees are demotivated, half the time thinking of how to survive instead of giving quality service.

  3. Angry Andrew

    Econet data harigare seriously, it’s slower and very expensive per mb. In my experience I had to switch to a better competitor. I know many will agree with those facts. They are not opinions, apo you hear kuti many Network providers get their data from econet facilities, you wonder why short changing the end user.😠

  4. Aloysius

    I live in Burnside and have an office in town. The service in Burnside is deplorable, while at the office, it is only slightly better. This situation is greatly inconvenient since my business and leisure activities have a heavy reliance on reliable access to the internet. It is ironic that although clients have a choice of options on the service that they want, they have to rely on Net One (the greatest culprit) which is the country’s only service with the task of allocating channels.

  5. Unhappy Zimbo

    You can’t stream with any of those networks. Substandard!

  6. Sonix

    Econet of this late Mazonyanya kuti Jairira, tirivana vadiki motiuraya ne stress🤣

  7. Anonymous

    Econet is just useless these days its a waste of money


    Econet data is pathetic. Its expensive then very useless to stream. They seem to put everyone on a 20mbs link and mese monzi rwiranai ipapo,did a speed test and it was a mere 100kb, off peak futi

  9. G.R. esq.

    Where is POTRAZ in all of this? Have you approached them for a comment? The situation is pathetic.

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