Kuda Musasiwa is bullish about Fresh Ideas’ e-commerce platform

Fresh in a box, Fresh Ideas, Kuda Musasiwa, e-commerce

Fresh Ideas, the parent company of Fresh In A Box, Joey’s Pizza and Suprise In A Box recently launched an e-commerce business builder. The solution is a cheat code for entering online commerce.

When I say cheat code I mean that you don’t have to find a developer to build a site and apps for you. Fresh Ideas make all those tools available including payments facilities with names like Paynow for local currency transactions. VISA, Mastercard & Paypal for forex payments with the backing of Stripe, ContiPay, and DPO.

All of this tech isn’t free however, Fresh Ideas is charging US$99.00 a month for the basic packages with US$49.99 addons for stuff like iOS apps. To get more information about this platform we were joined by the founder of the company Kuda Musasiwa to go over it all in greater detail.

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The biggest difference with a normal warehouse and what Yaita is doing, is that Yaita will handle delivery of those goods. Your customers can order through you but you don’t have to ship anything, all of that is done by Yaita.

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One response

  1. Nony Avatar

    Techzim are shilling hard again for Kuda. you guys should be ashamed. seriously, are you really THAT desperate for content?

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