Technikari with Simbarashe Mangena, from the Radiation Protection Authority of Zimbabwe (RPAZ)

Technikari, Podcast

On this episode of Technikari, we are joined by Simbarashe Mangena from the Radiation Protection Authority of Zimbabwe (RPAZ). He is a nuclear engineer and he gave us a walkthrough of Nuclear Technology and Science applications in Zimbabwe.

We talk about:

  • What the Radiation Protection Authority of Zimbabwe (RPAZ) is and what it does?
  • Nuclear Science and Technology applications in general.
  • Applications of Nuclear Tech in Zimbabwe.
  • Is there a conducive regulatory and financial environment for Nuclear adoption in Zimbabwe.
  • How far or close Zimbabwe is from adopting Nuclear for power generation

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Tisu Vanhu Vacho plug

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Tisu Vanhu Vacho Ep 14: university degree vs apprenticeship

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