Cell C launches more 6-month data bundles. Zim MNOs please take notes

Cell C 6 month data bundle, Zim MNOs, Econet Telecel NetOne

Cell C has launched a couple of new data bundle offerings. The first is an all in one bundle that is similar to Telecel’s Megaboost or NetOne’s OneFusion although a lot more generous. The second is the one that I think is far more interesting. Cell C is rolling out two more 6 month-long bundles to add on to the 50 GB one the MNO/MVNO already has. I think speak for a lot of people when I say this is something that Zimbabwe’s MNOs Econet, Telecel and NetOne should just “Copy + Paste“.

BundleAnytime DataNite DataValidityPrice (Rands)Price (USD)
200GB200GB200GB180daysR1 699,00114.20
via IT news Africa

“These new and improved bundles offer customers the choice and flexibility, catering for their need to call, connect and share with friends and family at an affordable price”

Simo Mkhize, Cell C CCO

Cell C has done one better and launched the 6-month bundles with a nite promotion. This means that Cell C subscribers will get the same data amount of data for day and night browsing.

This is so simple and makes so much sense

With the pandemic forcing people to buy data by the truckload, these bundles from Cell C give its customers more flexibility. Who would say no to a big (albeit slightly expensive) bundle that lasts longer than a month?

I should also say I don’t recall if Econet, NetOne or Telecel have ever offered a bundle that lasts more than a month. If they have please let me know in the comments.

The pandemic has brought about data needs that aren’t being addressed by expiring monthly private Wi-Fi bundles. What I mean by that is I would prefer to pay for a bundle that I know will be there for some time than one that I will not be able to finish in a month. If Econet, NetOne or Telecel offered one like that I would seriously consider ending my relationship with ZOL.

That being said the MNOs should price them in and around the region that TelOne or ZOL price their pre-paid bundles for it to make sense.

Telecel more than any other MNO should consider this

Zimbabwe’s smallest MNO Telecel should jump on this post-haste. The company has been failing to capitalise on the data boom that has happened over the last year.

They offer products like the aforementioned Megaboost which is similar to NetOne’s One Fusion and that hasn’t moved the needle. Telecel should, on top of following Cell C’s business model of becoming something of a Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO), copy these half-year bundles.

Telecel will be offering something that its competitors aren’t. This I think will be enough to draw those who are looking for an Econet or NetOne alternative.

If long term bundles are too much to ask for what about rollover data?

Again this is something I don’t remember Econet, NetOne or Telecel ever launching. But I think is something they can experiment with if they want to gauge data usage on one bundle over longer periods of time.

A 6-month bundle might be too much for those in the board room, risk assessment and accounts departments. However, products like OneFusion and MegaBoost could be used as a testbed.

I used to regularly purchase the OneFusion bundle but I was frustrated as I would always be able to drain my data over the month but I would be left with plenty of minutes.

Telecel and NetOne could test out rollover on their All-in-One bundles. I am pretty sure there would be a lot of people who would see the value in them if those bundles weren’t capped to a month.

I’m not holding my breath…

If I have learned anything about Zimbabwe’s mobile network operators is that they are a stubborn bunch. We still don’t have a unified messaging app bundle for Telegram, WhatsApp and Signal. Nor have they taken the initiative to launch data promotions for services like Spotify, Netflix and others.

It’s sad that we will always be looking in envy at our neighbours across the border as they get innovation after innovation.


One response

  1. Tae Avatar

    Good Evening i think it’s a good initiative,Telecel allows rollover on all of their bundles from Daily,Weekly and Monthly Data Bundles including the Social Media Data Bundles as well,for instance since you mentioned that you want a Bigger Bundle with longer validity period I suggest you top up your Telecel prepaid Line with the Mobile Wi-Fi Data Bundle worth ZW$5000 for 75GB you’ll get to browse for “2 Months” however depletion is based on your usage.

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