Dandemutande CEO sheds more light on Utande LTE

Dandemutande, Utande

Utande, a subsidiary of Dandemutande recently launched an LTE service to rival Telone’s Blaze and ZOL Wibroniks service. Utande LTE is launching with uncapped packages only, which puts it more in line with ZOL’s Business Packages.

To find out more about the service, and to ask if there were capped packages in the near future. We were joined by Dandemutande’s CEO Never Ncube.

On top of Utande’s LTE service we discussed:

  • The changes that Dandemutande has seen in the internet services market since its inception. (Afterall the internet has gone from being a luxury to a necessity.)
  • Why Utande went the LTE services route.
  • If/When Utande LTE will be launching capped or pay-as-you go style packages.
  • What the pandemic has done for Dandemutande/Utande’s business in terms of customer uptake and data consumption.
  • Residents in areas old and new have had issues with getting internet services. Was Utande LTE a way of improving access to the sprawling neighbourhoods as well as service existing ones.
  • Dandemutande has a number of services in its product catalogue, vehicle tracking, cloud services and e-learning. Is the company going to add on to these services in future?

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