Local e-learning startup secures backing from US$2 mil JUA Kickstarter

Bryt Knowledge, JUA Kickstarter, Adam Molai

Bryt Knowledge, a local e-learning startup, is among seven finalists that have been selected for Zim businessman Adam Molai’s US$2 million Jua Kickstarter Fund.

“The Jua Fund is a tiny drop in the ocean, in our effort to unite African grey hairs with our bright young future through funding and mentorship support. After listening to the pitches and presentations during the Kickstarter Olympics, my faith and hope has more than been repaid. We have brilliant entrepreneurs on this continent. I and my fellow judges were immensely impressed by all our finalists, even those that fell away during the week”

Adam Molai (via Disrupt Africa)

What is Bryt?

Bryt Knowledge is an online e-learning platform that connects students with the tutors or as they call them subject matter experts. The company likes a personalised setting and if a student so wishes they can get a 1 on 1 with a tutor. Through the Bryt Academy students also have access to courses like Money Management for Teens as well as for kids among many others.

JUA Kickstarter Olympics

The seven finalists, GrowAgric (Agritech, Kenya), Xetova (solutions provider, Kenya), Side (e-commerce, Kenya), Jirogasy (Solar, Madagascar) Powerstove (IoT, Nigeria), Whispa Health (e-health, Nigeria) and Bryt are now in the Olympics phase of the program.

“We targeted enterprises that are scalable across the continent and actually address the challenges that are hobbling Africa’s development, and the selected enterprises all do that. Jirogasy and Bryt will be furthering education, one through hardware the other through software; Side and GrowAgric are disrupting the value chain of goods from farm to table; Powerstove Energy is saving the environment with their cooking stove innovation, Whispa Health is taking care of wellbeing, and Xetova is adding African flair to procurement. We look forward to a long and productive future for all of them,”

Adam Molai

They will all pitch their ideas to the panel of judges and do final deal closures. As we reported when JUA Kickstarter was launched, the disbursement of funds will be done after due diligence is completed and terms and conditions have been agreed upon.

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