Local startup partners with FBC Insurance giving motorist instant access to lawyers

LawBasket FBC, Nashtv, Local legal startup

Local legal startup LawBasket has partnered with FBC Holding’s Insurance division to give motorists access to legal assistance if they should need it. LawBasket is a startup that we have covered on a number of occasions. It helps small businesses and startups with access to legal assistance allowing them to better scale their business through low-cost legal add on services.

LawBasket markets its products to startups through insurance companies and this partnership with FBC Insurance looks like they are extending their services to a wider market.

What is LawBasket offering?

If you have been driving for some time I am sure that you have encountered or at least witnessed someone being held by the authorities for a traffic violation. These situations are often difficult to navigate because we are not all versed in finer legal details, procedures and requirements of traffic regulations.

The knee-jerk reaction in these instances is to look for a lawyer but we all know how expensive that route can be. The price point is often a deterrent and we end up solving the matter in our own way and sometimes the choices we make aren’t in our best interests. We might severely short change ourselves to get the matter out of the way. Or in most cases, bullied into accepting an outcome simply because one might be completely out of their depth.

“Motorists need a way to get access to legal services when they need them, yet getting lawyers in the usual manner is expensive and beyond the reach of many ordinary motorists. By partnering with top insurance companies and leveraging off a wide lawyer network and technology, we can fill that access to justice gap and give every driver access to timely legal help when needed.”

Simba Mubvuma, LawBasket CEO

With an extensive network of lawyers across Zimbabwe, LawBasket and FBC partnered up to bring legal services through the usual vehicle insurance packages.

After adding legal benefits to your vehicle insurance you can get assistance from LawBasket’s legal team through their website or by calling them.

In the event of a traffic accident or any interactions with the police, you will now have legal representation at the ready.

The team at Law Basket also recognised that there are other areas covered by insurance where beneficiaries would need legal assistance. One key area is funeral insurance because of the innumerable number of estate disputes that happen after the wake. Law Basket will soon be attaching its legal services to funeral insurance/cover to help the bereaved with the complicate process of dealing with a deceased’s estate.

While that product is still being refined. Law Basket has, in the meantime, started adding legal benefits to FBC Homeowners’ Insurance giving property owners access to legal services in the event of property related disputes.

An interesting array of add-on services

Adding legal aid to insurance I think is a brilliant move. Too often people are left stranded because they aren’t versed in the inner legal workings of the situation they find themselves in.

This is a really good product and it’s hardly surprising because LawBasket was among the winners at the HiiL innovation Justice Challenge for Southern Africa in 2019. This earned them a spot at the HiiL Accelerator and US$32 000 of funding as well as the startup being a recipient of the United States Africa Development Fund Grant (USADF) which the company uses to support small businesses and startups in Zimbabwe.

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