Looking for an Hons or Masters scholarship? Check out the Mandela Rhodes Foundation

Mandela Rhodes Foundation Scholarship

Applications are now open for the Mandela Rhodes Foundation Scholarship and leadership programme. The initiative is built on the principles of reconciliation, education, entrepreneurship and leadership.

Aiming to continue the legacy of the former South African President, the programme aims to equip young people with the competence and courage to transform the continent into a place where everyone has equal opportunity to succeed.

The Mandela Rhodes Foundation delivers residential workshops which you will attend during your residency. On top of that, the program offers funding for a one year Honours degree or a two year Masters degree in any field at a recognised South African tertiary institution.

Included in the scholarship are tuition and registration fees, as well as study materials, medical aid, accommodation and meals. On top of that, those selected will get a personal allowance and economy class travel to and from their country of residence.


The Mandela Rhodes Foundation Scholarship is open to all Africans between the ages of 19 and 29. You will of course need to have a degree with above-average academic results (north of 70%).

The programme is looking for young Africans who demonstrate the potential to embody the reconciliation, education, entrepreneurship and principles of the foundation. You must also have already assumed leadership by either making an impact on your campus or in your community.

Applications for the Mandela Rhodes Foundation scholarship close on the 20th of April 2021 and you can apply with the link here

“To benefit from our programme you must be curious about doing the personal, internal work of leadership. This means a commitment to developing self-awareness by engaging with difficult parts of yourself, an openness to learning from the diversity and differences in your cohort, and a willingness to explore and embrace complexity within yourself, others, and the systems around you.”

Mandela Rhodes Foundation

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