Moovah launches pay as you drive vehicle insurance

Moovah, Moovah Insurance, Cassava

It seems like folks at Cassava are joining in on the Pay As You Drive, usage-based or Telematics wave. This is something we covered last year when TelOne launched its vehicle tracking service Teltrack and Telematics Insurance. Cassava’s new product Moovah “Pay as You Drive” insurance is looking to pretty much do the same.

So what this essentially does is make your insurance match your driving habits. This is really good because someone can, for example, have a large fleet of vehicles that they don’t drive all that often. When they go to insurance companies they are charged the same amount as high-risk vehicles/clients and the likes.

Worse still with the lockdowns and remote work. You aren’t going to be using your car as heavily as you did before but you are still being charged the same insurance premiums. Moovah Pay as You Drive is looking to address this by offering users motor vehicle insurance that is based on the following metrics:

  1. Behavioural data: Basically how you drive, your average speed, braking, acceleration how you negotiate corners and obstacles.
  2. Demographic: your age and sex. There are some people, for example, senior citizens who are much more cautious than others on the road.
  3. Mileage: distance travelled, trip duration, traffic levels, times and seasons.

Moovah will be collecting all this data through a vehicle tracker installed in your car much like TelOne’s Telematics Insurance. Drivers will now be charged appropriately according to how they drive. It also incentivises users to manage their vehicles better as well as putting control in the hands of those who are very conscious about how they use their cars.

If you sign up for Moovah Pay As You Drive you will also get some added benefits. The first is that you don’t have to pay for the tracking device that is installed in your vehicle. The second and probably the most important is that you will get free MARS ambulance and vehicle towing services.

One response

  1. Imi vanhu musadaro

    Using demography to determine premiums leads to biased and discriminatory policy. To some, senior citizens are cautious, to others, they drive too slow, but it is just some on the group not all of them. The same applies to gender and so on.

    They should stick to driving behaviours alone.

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