NetOne set to increase data bundle prices

NetOne, NetOne Data Bundles, NetOne OneFi

State-owned mobile network operator NetOne is set to review prices for data bundles. The “review” as they call it is another term for a price increase, because everything in Zimbabwe, price wise, seems to be on an upward trajectory.


Dear Valued Customer, Please be advised that we are reviewing our bundle tariffs with effect from 5 March 2021.

via Twitter

The announcement of a price increase comes after a couple of weeks where NetOne has been struggling to provide consistent data services for its subscribers. Worse still the MNO has been quiet about what has been the issue with mobile data.

It’s “valued customers” have had to make due, from what we have seen and heard, with intermittent internet connectivity without some sort of explanation or even a timeline as to when normal service will be restored. On top of that, NetOne hasn’t addressed the problem of those who are on expiring, and already expensive bundles, only getting to use them whenever the connection is back up.

In an ideal world, NetOne would reimburse those who have lost out on short term bundles of their data or money. Or at the very least communicate as to what exactly is going on so that customers don’t waste money on bundles they might not be able to propoerly use.

In saying that, Econet has also been struggling of late and it would be unfair to single out NetOne. But, having mentioned that, the NetOne data bundle price hike will surely be followed by an announcement that Econet will be doing the same.

Good times…


One response

  1. datamustfall Avatar

    Econet has just pushed the price of a telemetry line to $300 RTGS for a 80mb bundle. This cost will affect all IOT suppliers, POS machines and Fiscal devices

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