What does it take to make a locally produced film or series?

High quality Camera, locally produced film

“Locally produced”is a term that has become few and far between these days. The main cause is of course the sorry state of the economy making avenues for local production of anything difficult. This is more so for locally produced content. We have seen a lot of creators take to social media like Tiktok and Instagram as well as YouTube. However, there has been a lull in terms of locally produced movies and series at least from my experience.

This is of course because of the cost of creating a production. It isn’t the easiest thing to gather actors and production crew in order to get a project off the ground. To get a clearer picture of what it’s like in Zimbabwe’s film industry, we got the chance to have a chat with British I.T. Madzivanyika a local filmmaker and actor.

British has been part of local productions like Mamhepo, Sins of my Father, My Pain My love and more.

You can check out British’s work and other local productions on Igniteflix with the link here.

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