Persons with disabilities technology

The digital divide that exists in Zim for people with disabilities

Technology has been a “godsend” when it comes to making our lives easier and more comfortable. Over the years it has allowed us to more than we could before at an exponential rate. You can order goods and services online, complete complex tasks with a device in your pocket and much more. With all this innovation there has been one group that has been left behind in the tech boom in Zimbabwe. People with disabilities haven’t had a fair go of it when it comes to joining in on all technology has to offer.

This has been made all the more worse in the country by the rapid acceleration of the digital age due to the pandemic. To understand exactly what needs to be done and what has been accomplished in this respect we spoke to Aidan Gamble from Inclusive Access Zimbabwe which is an organisation that seeks to reduce the technology divide in the country through workshops and more recently a device donation drive that the company will load the appropriate software to aid people with disabilities in Zimbabwe gain greater access to the internet.

Inclusive Access Zimbabwe is currently running a donation drive for devices that ends on the 7th of May 2021. The startup is also looking for anyone who might want to help them build a website that meets global inclusive standards.

You can contact Inclusive Access Zimbabwe through the following details.

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