
YouTube’s gore & violence-filled evil twin has finally shut down

If you have been on the internet for a considerable length of time and you have never encountered LiveLeak then count yourself among the very blessed. If you were ever sent a LiveLeak link in your life, on the other hand, you will know exactly what I am talking about.

Nine times out of ten, whatever you were about to see was going to scar you for life. The most notable example of what LiveLeak was all about concerned the ISIS beheading of US journalist James Foley in 2014. I personally never had the stomach to watch it but from what we saw online from the people who watched it, they wished they hadn’t.

Another example was the Christchurch massshooting that happened in New Zealand which was there for all to see on LiveLeak. However, hosting the video got the site banned in New Zealand.

In a farewell message, LiveLeak founder Hayden Hewitt said the following:

“To the members, the uploaders, the casual visitors, the trolls and the occasionally demented people who have been with us. You have been our constant companions and although we probably didn’t get to communicate too often you’re appreciated more than you realize”

So… what next?

Any unceremonious exit is most often followed by some sort of revival or comeback. According to a report by The Verge, LiveLeak will be replaced by a more tame site called Itemfix. The site looks nothing like its predecessor and has banned users from uploading violence and gore of any kind.

1 Comment

  1. Plurality of Perspective

    I used the site like maybe 3 times for the near miss stuff (I’m not about that decapitation life!), but I think Liveleak had its positive moments. They offered real context to sanitised coverage and an outlet for citizen sourced material that MSM would not/could not cover or simply lacked conventional access to.

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