ZERO DATA: Techzim is now free, no data needed!!

Men staring at a phone, Zero-rate, techzim

Now you can access Techzim even when you don’t have data. For now, this is only possible on the Econet network but we hope to extend this to NetOne and Telecel in the near future.

Important to note

  • If you have a general mobile data bundle, accessing Techzim will use that bundle first. This is an Econet thing.
  • If you have airtime in your phone, make sure you have switched off out of bundle browsing. If you don’t switch off out of bundle browsing, Econet will also use up your airtime first when you access Techzim. To switch off out of bundle browsing please dial *143# on Econet. We will share the full steps at the end of this article.
  • You will not be able to access videos that may be embedded in some of our articles. However, you can get Techzim videos via our WhatsApp platform by simply sending the word ‘video’ to WhatsApp number 0717 684 274.

Perfect way to buy all network airtime and ZESA

Accessing Techzim for free is cool in that it gives you easy access to buy NetOne, Telecel and Econet airtime while paying with EcoCash or OneMoney. You also get to pay for your ZESA easily as well as other services.

PS: How to switch off out of bundle browsing on Econet

  1. Dial *143#
  2. Select Option 7: Account Services
  3. Select Option 3: Out of Bundle Browsing
  4. Select Option 2: Do not allow
  5. Select Option 1: Yes

If you are not sure whether or not your out of bundle browsing is off, just follow the steps above. There is no harm in switching it off even when it was already off.


36 responses

  1. The Last Don Avatar
    The Last Don

    So there’s a devil’s catch inside. Why use data in the first place?

  2. Tkayz Avatar

    I’ve waited for this for so long thank you soo much Techzim

    We continue to support this great work

  3. Ward Tech Avatar

    how great
    can you SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel


    1. Nomatter Makondo Avatar
      Nomatter Makondo

      Will do so

  4. Desire J Mtetwa Avatar
    Desire J Mtetwa

    That’s great Tech Zim grp , I will continue to support you services

  5. Anonymous Avatar

    That’s good news.. But however guys how far Ha tunnel yangu ikujamuka.

  6.  Avatar

    thats good news..Ndokumbirawo masettings eHA Tunnel🤣

    1. Toxic hub Avatar
      Toxic hub

      Ndomadawo eHA tunnel

    2. Anonymous Avatar

      Haaa chinenge chavharwa chisinhi ichi ini I’m failing to connect.

  7. Pangaz.Com Avatar

    Good news of the day

    1. Ray Avatar

      Hello gyz

  8. Imi vanhu musadaro Avatar
    Imi vanhu musadaro

    Commendable effort. Hopefully, Econet will improve the number of hoops visitors have to jump through to actual benefit from this.

    I assume the same processes apply for other zero rated websites, but none seem to mention the nitty-gritties.

  9. Tanaka Kombera Avatar

    Great work guys I have always liked your content and up to date material keep up the good work

  10. Toxic hub Avatar
    Toxic hub

    Ndomadawo eHA tunnel

  11.  Avatar

    HA Tunnel inenge yakavharwa


    way to go TECHZIM, you are setting the PACE we see you….

  13. Kudakwashe Avatar

    Thank you

  14. Kudakwashe Avatar


  15. innocent Avatar

    Thank you

  16. Lloyd Avatar

    How do you activate

  17. Pikachu Avatar

    We need free Facebook

  18. Browntokza Avatar

    Great move guys and keep on giving us cool stuff.

  19.  Avatar

    What about net neutrality guys?

  20. Asward Mudondo Avatar
    Asward Mudondo


  21. Kumbie chitwn Avatar
    Kumbie chitwn

    We need a techzim app with zero data for convince sake

    1. Caasi Avatar

      We’ll do something 😉

  22. Bongani knox Avatar
    Bongani knox

    Techzim, you are the best guys keep it up I can now read news daily without any hustle of data bundles. I’ve been waiting for this for a long time

  23. Sean V R Avatar
    Sean V R

    How long does a transaction take to process , I have a ref number but no pin for Zesa
    And is that zim $ or US$

  24. Joe Avatar

    Thanks for Zero rating

  25.  Avatar

    Could you guys do an articles on the benefits and disadvantages of zero-rating. Would also be interested in which ISP/ASP offer this opportunity. Also how one goes about applying for their website/app to be zero-rated

  26. Andrew Avatar

    I have never experienced this service, it has never worked when l don’t have data

  27. EbSparco Avatar

    Are there any online hosts for free browsing eco zw as from today?

  28. Lungelo Avatar

    Ha tunnels?

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