Entrepreneurs! You have to check out this social business camp

Social & Inclusive Business Camp (SIBC)

Since 2017, the Social & Inclusive Business Camp (SIBC) has supported 200 entrepreneurs with an impact in Africa as their scaled up their enterprises and the organisation has opened applications for its fifth edition. This year’s program will have a hybrid setup comprising of:

  • 3 months of remote coaching on a dedicated online platform, alternating interactive virtual classes with international experts and educational resources to be consulted independently.
  • 1 week of intensive Bootcamp in Marseille, France, in partnership with the EMERGING Valley Summit (event dedicated to emerging innovations between Europe and Africa).
  • The possibility for each participant to be followed by a mentor experienced alumni of the program.
  • Networking, through integration into an active and ambitious international community of 200 entrepreneurs and networking with investors and financial partners during the Bootcamp.

The SIBC program will be centred around 4 themes which are, “Leadership, governance and team” defining its purpose and the organisation of its team for successful growth. Adapting business models to scale up, Environmental, Social and Good Governance ESG criteria and Investment preparation.

All African startups are eligible however your business must be registered, justify your impact in Africa and have a desire for growth which needs to be accompanied by a scaling strategy. Individuals will not be accepted as well as if your business doesn’t have an economic model, or is a is still in its very early stages.

Applications for the Social & Inclusive Business Camp close on the 3rd of July 2021 and you can find the form with the link here.

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