What EcoCash is to financial services, is what ZUPCO is to the transport sector

ZUPCO buses

The Zimbabwe United Passenger Company’s (ZUPCO) has reemerged from its long slumber. The last time ZUPCO had a presence anywhere near to what it has today was back in the late 90s early 2000s. And even though it is still working at a fraction of its capacity, the company still moves tens of thousands of people a day.

Its slow rise has also been accompanied by innovations, a little while ago ZUPCO in conjunction with NMB and CBZ launched the tap card which was meant to ease the need for cash and change. ZUPCO recently followed that up with a partnership with Vaya which allows users to buy intercity bus tickets through the former’s app.

All this being said, its potential has not been reached, this is also considering the fact that the government killed the kombi industry just to facilitate its public transport arm. We thought we would take a dive into what ZUPCO has been up to and what opportunities it has missed, taken and ones that it is unaware of.

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