Full Text: Zimbabwe receives US$961 million from the IMF

Mthuli Ncube National Venture Capital Fund NVCF startups Zimbabwe Ministry of Finance

The Zimbabwean government has officially announced that they have received almost a billion US dollars from the International Monetary Fund via the institution’s Special Drawing Rights (SDR). SDR refers to supplementary foreign exchange reserve assets that are maintained by the IMF and availed to member countries if they so choose. Zimbabwe will probably use the money to shoal up its foreign currency reserves that have been under considerable strain these past five years.

Below is the full statement from the government and the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe



We would like to advise the public that Zimbabwe has received SDR 677.4 million (USD 961 million) from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) under the IMF’s USD650 Billion SDR allocation earmarked to provide additional liquidity to the global financial system. The funders ere deposted in the Reserve Bank of Zimbabw account with the IMF for value 23 August 2021.

The immediate impact of this support from the IMF is to increase the foreign exchange reserves position of the country by US$961 million. This will go a long way in butttressing the stability of our domestic currency.

The funds will be sued prudently, with utmost accountability, to support social sectors namely health, education and vulnerable groups; productive sectors that include industry, agriculture and mining; infrastructure investment covering roads and housing; and foreign currency reserves and contigency fund, to suppot our domestic currency and macro-economic stability.

We would like to express our great appreciation to the IMF for this disbursement which shall be used transparently in line with the IMF guiance note.

Hon. Pro. M. Ncube

Minister of Finance and Economic Development

Dr J P Mangudya


Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe

The full joint statement from the Ministry of Finance and RBZ

Celebrating flowers

In Shona, we have a proverb. Totenda maruva tadya shakata. Roughly translated it means you can never predict a harvest just by looking at how well your fruit trees are flowering. Zimbabwe has taught me to be very skeptical about feel-good announcements involving the government promising grand things.

However, there is reason to be optimistic here. Getting this money means Zimbabwe is coming back from the cold where we have been ever since that fateful suspension from the IMF at the beginning of this century. I am hoping the government will follow through with its promises in order to make sure they remain in good standing with the IMF.


9 responses

  1. The Nerd Avatar
    The Nerd

    Seems like the joint statement is not typo-free. I guess they excitedly wrote it, nejinja. Lol

  2. The Nerd Avatar
    The Nerd

    Oh no! I retract my earlier comment. As a matter of fact, the joint statement is typo-free but your words preceding it are not.

    1.  Avatar

      Yeah. You’re right

  3. Scorched earth Avatar
    Scorched earth

    OMG… just more money we will never see have an impact on society or the economy… let’s lower our expectations.

  4. Tsuro muzukuru wasekuru gudo Avatar
    Tsuro muzukuru wasekuru gudo

    Mari yekutenga ma Rozi Royisi yauya kudai, Pfeeee. Mayuwesi wena. Inga zanu yapinda. Hesi mhanii

    1. Arsonal Avatar

      Taura hako icha disappear fut kunge 15 bidda

  5. owen tendenguwo Avatar
    owen tendenguwo

    #munhuweseka10usa then moita henyu zvamunoda neimwe yese maplans munayo zvenyu

  6. THE KING Avatar

    They are going to bid that money at their forex auction and get it at RTGS80. Vadaro vopa zvimbanana zvavo zvirimustreet zvotengesera mauto nemapurisa vasinadzimba vanenge vachida kubhadhara rent at RTGS150 next week yacho musiwechopiri vonotengazve kuauction kuya RTGS79… and the process goes on and on. Senge USD ratouya neuwandu hwaro sooo aaahhh varikutorwera rute, neuturu hwembavha, udzvanyiriri neutsinye

    1. Tsuro muzukuru wasekuru gudo Avatar
      Tsuro muzukuru wasekuru gudo

      Mataura chokwadi sekuru

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