Brace yourselves for 12-hour load shedding

Zimbabwe energy, Magetsi, Zimbabwe electricity generation, load shedding in ZImbabwe, prepaid electricity in Zimbabwe load shedding 12 hour

The Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC) has announced that we should expect 12-hour load shedding due to diminished output at Hwange and Kariba power stations.

The statement from the ZETDC reads as follows:

The ZETDC (Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company) is experiencing a power shortfall due to generation constraints at Hwange Power Station, limited imports and a programme of dam wall rehabilitation at Kariba, which requires that two generators be taken out for 12 hours. The planned outrage of the two units then restricts Kariba Power Station output during these hours.


You should also read:

ZETDC 12-hour load shedding timetable


20 responses

  1. Real

    Umm this is load shedding is now too much. Ever since this other guy took over seems nothing has ever run smoothly at Hwange.Last month the company didn’t even finish the water allocated for power generation at Kariba. No power generation station is running at optimum.

    1. marcello

      its kind hard as for me im not proud to be zimbabwean

  2. Kkkkkk

    Imbadzeve vanhu… economy yacho ifonofamba Sei kune load shedding

  3. Bye

    Imbadzeve vanhu… economy yacho ifonofamba Sei kune load shedding

  4. 3man

    I like Sir Maxwell Chikumbutso’s green power generator. He would have solved completely this problem and even generated the much sought after foreign currency by exporting surplus power. Problem is, we seem to grab whatever that comes in the name of FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY, no matter the cost and try to fix whatever that needs fixing at “home”. If Sir Chikumbutso was not Zimbabwean we would have welcomed his innovations.

    1. Imi vanhu musadaro

      Which foreign technologies are you talking about, coal and hydro-electric power stations? 🤣 Things we’ve used since before independence.

      Why not buy the Saith infinity energy device to power your home, if you believe in such “science”? Then neither you nor your grandchildren will ever need to pay for power.

    2. Anonymous

      You are an idiot. Saith is a lying fool. Murimbwa dzevanhu.

  5. Anonymous

    This time they can’t say Kariba Dam has run out of water. God intervene for Zimbabwe. There’s total system failure which needs to be overhauled.

  6. Lee


  7. 3man

    Munhu aishandisa nokia1610 akatomborambawo kuti hazvigoneke kuti kugadzirwe imwe foni inonzi iPhone 12 pro max or Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra. Zim mentality (Phd- pull him/her down)

  8. Ss

    Haaaaa nyika ino. We don’t have progress minded leadership.. But rather money minded ones. Typical people…

  9. Anonymous

    Kumhata kwavo. This is not why i pay my taxes. Fukcing useless frauds. MORONS.

  10. Gegelux

    Just buy solar

    1. Laywoman

      Solar is a great alternative but the problem is that only a very small percentage of Zimbabweans can afford a solar system. The rest are living hand to mouth and the food isn’t even adequate.

  11. mvura izere coal izere this country so

    1. Laywoman

      Pakaipa wena zvese tinazvo but varikubennefita vashoma mari dzirikubiwa

  12. sydney gata

    why can’t this sydney gata guy just f-off?? he is a complete waste of oxygen

  13. Tman

    Haa nyaya ndiyoyo guys solar all the way

  14. embrace yourself, I’ve been doing that since the 08

  15. simba

    zim dollar, zim roads, zim education, zim health care, zim electricity anything zim duznt work wat a shame. 2 decades of powercuts we are open for business for sure

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