[Download] Towards Virtual Assets Regulation and Adoption of Blockchain Technologies in Zimbabwe’s Context

Towards Towards Virtual Assets Regulation and Adoption of Blockchain Technologies in Zimbabwe's Context blockchain cryptos Zimbabwe Golix RBZ

Cryptocurrencies and Zimbabwe have been water and oil since the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) banned traditional financial institutions from conducting business with crypto exchanges. Many have made the argument that cryptos and blockchain technology could be one of the solutions that could help Zimbabwe in its economic strife.

We have advocated for the adoption of cryptos here ad nauseum… But much like any crusade, it needs people who have a vested interest and are close to the subject matter. Fortunately, there is such a champion called Prosper Mwedzi, who Financial Service Lawyer based out of the UK.

Prosper has been one of the biggest advocates for cryptocurrency and blockchain technology adoption in Zimbabwe. And he and a team of contributors that include former Minister for Energy Fortune Chasi, Zimbabwe’s Financial Literacy Queen, Kudzai Mubaiwa and others who go by the name The Zimbabwe Blockchain Think Tank wrote a paper making a case for cryptos. You can download it with the link below:

Towards Virtual Assets Regulation and Adoption of Blockchain Technologies in Zimbabwe’s Context

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3 responses

  1. That guy Avatar
    That guy

    So we have to have an Icloud account to to download? Why?

  2. Bully Avatar

    Well if you pay of golix can we get our coins back please. Giving the coins back wasn’t outlawed just trading in them. Even if they allowed locally there no way we can be burnt a second time

  3. doc kk Avatar
    doc kk


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