Here are the speakers for Zim’s first drone conference

Drone conference Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe Drone Conference announces a power-packed list of local and international speakers who will be presenting at the in-person conference this November.

Speakers include Dr Patrick Meier – Co-Founder of WEROBOTICS, global experts in Drone Technology for Social and Humanitarian Action; Kim James – Director of Drone Guards, Africa’s leading Drones in Security Service provider and our own local expert, Tawanda Chihambakwe – The African Drone Professional and Director of Precision Aerial and Zimbabwe Flying Labs. This first-ever Zimbabwe Drone conference looks set to be quite exciting.

You can register for the conference with the link here.

Also check out

We spoke to Tawanda Chihambakwe the Founder of Precision Aerial about what plans the drone startup has for the future and the challenges startups and entrepreneurs face in Zimbabwe.


13 responses

  1. Comic Pastor Avatar

    Drones is the way to go

    1. Captain Jack Sparrow Avatar
      Captain Jack Sparrow

      Way to go where?? What use do we have of drones in Zimbabwe ??? The whole system is in shambrocks and you are talking as tho drones will better uplift the people of this nations.. They are just toys 😁😁😁 fit for childrens kkkkk

      1. Ken Avatar

        I almost missed the satire there kkkkk

  2. Scorched earth Avatar
    Scorched earth

    OMG, inga vanhu vakuru nhai vachitaura zvema toys. A camera that can fly. Big deal? Why is Zim so backward. Drone use is not something we should all lose our minds for. This capitalist world will tell you such and such is soo useful you have to buy it, so that they can fill their pockets.

  3. Survey Corps Avatar
    Survey Corps

    These ‘toys’ are bringing advancement and competitive advantage to communities and businesses around the world. If someone can find an application for and service a genuine niche with this tech, why start stuffing your face with sour grapes? Acknowledge you failed to comprehend the use of it and move on quietly!

    1. Scorched earth Avatar
      Scorched earth

      Hahahaha, relax, jerk. Im aware of drone applications prolly more than you. We in a capitalistic world, duh 🙄, of course u know it. Check out applications of drones in pest control i.e in farming then use your Google and study if gps installed tractors can’t already do that, then we can speak. This is just product pushing bro. Research before u come here.
      I won’t talk about the other”applications” they say they can have or have.

      1. Survey Corps Avatar
        Survey Corps

        👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾Congratulations on your vast knowledge, it must be quite the burden! Are you trying to say a single-role GPS enabled tractor isn’t a commercial product being sold and serviced for profit?! Don’t tell me your only issue is that Zimbabweans stand to make some money from this? It seems you wash down your sour grapes with vinegar.

        1. Scorched earth Avatar
          Scorched earth

          U don’t get me bro lol. Stop it 🤣.
          I’m simply saying , we shouldn’t jeez over drones. We have more serious issues.
          It’s almost like saying Zim needs a satellite lmao.

          1. Survey Corps Avatar
            Survey Corps

            🙄So entrepreneurs can’t innovative because Zim has problems? You stop it! Almost the entire panel is from the private sector! It’s like saying Blue Origin or SpaceX shouldn’t exist since America’s opioid crisis is still a thing!

            1.  Avatar

              Who what i my guy im yes but let but for you its okay that i was yes i agree to them they my continue to do this because my name is them it lucky to be in data i love this.

          2. Water and Sunlight Avatar
            Water and Sunlight

            This kind of pseudo-forward thinking masquerading as constructive criticism is a plague among a certain brand of Zimbabweans. What exactly do you believe they should do (given their area of expertise and what they aim to achieve with their shared knowledge) to solve the “more serious issues”? Or maybe to better understand your warped mentality, what exactly are these more serious issues, in your opinion? I hope those more serious issues are not corruption, food security, efficient transportation and health care coz these private citizens charting a path in unchartered local territories are not the audience you should direct your misdirected anger towards.

            1. Ray99 Avatar

              Thank you!!!!

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