ZIMRA & HIT sign deal to develop software that will maximise tax collection

Electronic Tax Register, ZIMRA HIT Harare Institue for Technology TAX income presumtive

The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority, (ZIMRA) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Harare Institute of Technology (HIT) that will see the latter develop software that will help the taxman further maximise revenue collection.

“The prime objectives of the MoU are to provide a broad base for cooperation with the intention of mobilising domestic revenue through the use of their respective personnel, facilities, electronics and resources to unearth economic and business activities being conducted within the economy.”


The agreement involves ZIMRA and HIT collaborating in the development of local software solutions “to enhance domestic resource mobilisation for the economic development of Zimbabwe“. Some might say the timing of this is a little on the nose because just yesterday ZIMRA announced that it has created a window for local businesses to declare their USD earnings or face the prospect of penalties.

ZIMRA alleges that a number of businesses are keeping USD earnings off the official records and it looks like it has found a possible solution to uncovering some of those enterprises. In this vein, the two parties agreed to exchange information concerning strategies for revenue mobilisation and collection with a view to developing a common understanding of challenges being faced.

This will include information on sector-specific practices on tax levying and collection, as well as the implementation of special projects in different sectors to evaluate and implement tax compliance, sharing information on the formulation and implementation of compliance programmes with special emphasis on the use of technological and electronic systems.

“I am very cognisant about the process that ZIMRA and HIT went through so as to balance the interest of both parties and bear transformative ideas whose positive impact will be felt across the economy and beyond,”

Rameck Masair, ZIMRA Acting Commissioner General

ZIMRA and HIT will be exchanging practical, technical and theoretical training on revenue mobilisation and development of software solutions in domestic resource mobilisation to enhance the capacity of ZIMRA, with an overall aim of improving its service delivery. The two also agreed to establish a Joint Technical Committee to oversee the implementation and administration of this MoU.

“We hope that through this partnership we can achieve “Vision 2030” and continuously look ahead and beyond 2030. Our thrust as HIT is encapsulated in our mandate, that is development, incubation, transferring of and commercialization of technology for rapid national industrialisation,”

Dr Eng. Q.C Kanhukamwe, HIT Vice Chancellor

It will be interesting to see what comes of this partnership and if the solutions that are created will be up to the task of tackling Zimbabwe’s very complex economy.

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  1. Captain Jack Sparrow

    Stupidity at its worst form 🤣🤣🤣 Mukoma Valentine kana mashaya nyaya why not just keep silent …

  2. Player 456

    What track record does HIT have in developing software? This is a pending disaster.

  3. Concerned Guy

    Utterly vague. Where’s the transparency?

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