Spiderman No Way Home Review: Not as good as the hype suggests

Spiderman No Way Home Review

Yesterday we went to watch the new Marvel blockbuster Spiderman No way Home and judging by the ticket queues, this is a movie that many wanted to watch. The film isn’t bad, far from it. It is a fun ride with plenty of surprises. However, there are some problems with the movie that are hard to overlook for some Spiderman fans…

And, of course, SPOILER WARNING!!!!

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16 responses

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  2. D1vant Avatar

    You are now going on a frenzy in podcasting as the year draws to a close…. Why had you taken a break though (^_-)🙃

    1. Tops Avatar

      Takutozeza ku clicker mastories unongoona yakanzi podcast zvakutobhohwa, ngawatipe tip paheadline kut this is a podcast tirege kuvhura.Takugumira kupindula

    2. Isaac Avatar

      Sure woti wauya kwemahara wowana paneziPodcast 😂😂😂 nhamo inenharo, Pindula irinani bt vanombokanda maPics nemaVideos wo 🙆🏽‍♂️

    3. Sadza rakarara Avatar
      Sadza rakarara

      Sure woti wauya kwemahara wowana paneziPodcast 😂😂😂 nhamo inenharo, Pindula irinani bt vanombokanda maPics nemaVideos wo 🙆🏽‍♂️

  3. Scorched earth Avatar
    Scorched earth

    I think Marvel is starting to lose it. It’s starting to get a tad boring, however, my thoughts were you would review Shang Chi before the spider… anyways. The DCEU is now more exciting than Marvel…. personal opinion.

    1. fan1 Avatar


      1. Scorched earth Avatar
        Scorched earth

        Hahaha, c’mon bro. Every Marvel movie creates a villain just to kill it and “save the world”. It has to get stale at some point lol. In DC , it feels like the main characters are fighting personal battles. I have never seen a single Marvel movie were the military gets involved, like really that’s stupid!

        1. Vincent Avatar

          Hulk had the military involved

          1. Scorched earth Avatar
            Scorched earth

            Oooh that one…. forgot about it 😀..cap civil war fighting at the airport… spiderman running around in Europe fighting some illusion guy..the list is endless

    2. Eency Weency Avatar
      Eency Weency

      Ironically, it’s the non-universality of recent DCEU projects that’s working for me. It’s a nice, fresh contrast to MCUs 100 year plan. I’m so looking forward to The Batman

  4. Eency Weency Avatar
    Eency Weency

    Passed by the Bay yesterday and all they had were Cams, so I did the next best thing and watched a dozen+ reviews! It seems to be one of those movies where I can be 100% spoiled on and still enjoy the spectacle. After all, there must be a reason why it’s smashing covid records! So as long as they don’t do my man Tobey dirty, I’m sure I’ll enjoy it. Matrix, on the other hand, I’m fearful for! The chatter surrounding it has been “interesting”.

  5. Fanatic Avatar

    Marvel started to lose it on that last thor movie. that movie was Pure rubbish and it got so much hipe only lord knows how. on the other hand Dc is finally pulling its socks up bringing that magic they always had in their series to their movies but mmm ndakazoona suicide squad 2 namoms azviitwe azvidzokorodzwe vanobuditsa mablambi. Character building is one thing Dc struggles with unlike marvels

    1. Scorched earth Avatar
      Scorched earth

      Hahaha Harley Queen is a nasty b… Anyways that suicide squad was garbage

  6. Marvel Studios Avatar
    Marvel Studios

    Only nice part is seeing Toby Maguire the old friendly ever smiling spider man.

  7. Bored developer Avatar
    Bored developer

    94% rotten looks pretty good to me

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