It only took Econet 24 days into 2022 to raise bundle prices

Econet HQ bundles prices

I think this one might be on me. A few articles ago I said that it was surprising that none of Zimbabwe’s mobile network operators (MNOs) had raised data bundle prices in 2022 and that must have sent some bad vibes into the universe because Econet has announced that it will be reviewing data bundle prices on the 25th of January 2022.

Dear Customers,
Please note, we will review our Voice, Data & SMS bundle prices effective, Tuesday 25 January 2022.

To access Voice & Data bundles dial *143#
To access SMS bundles dial *140#

Visit for more information.

Econet on Twitter

Econet has fired the first shot and it’ll be interesting to see how expensive the bundles are going to be this time. I fear that Private Wi-Fi bundles are going to be asking of a lot from Econet’s customers but we will have to wait and see.

This announcement, of course, means that we should expect the same from NetOne and Telecel.

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19 responses

  1. Hugh Jarse

    Note how prices are always “reviewed”, when everyone knows damn well they’re going to increase by some horrific amount! True, with the way Zimbabwe’s been run into the ground, it was bound to happen, but at least they and others could be more honest about it!

    1. Valentine Muhamba

      True that. They are always so vocal when it comes to their promotions but when they are adjusting prices they are stealthy. Customers know that prices are going to go up, there is no need to be sheepish about it.

    2. The Empress

      Yah that’s true… They misuse the word review. They know full well that they going to increase the prices and by how much but they pretend as if they are planning to think about it when they use the word review.

  2. Anonymous

    Hear comes 🤣🤣🤣 another price increase

  3. Top Rater

    8GB is going to be 5000 = $28

    1. Anonymous

      8GB $4320
      15GB $6600
      25GB $7860
      50GB $12000

      1. Mabonga Power

        Its a true reflection of the way things are in Zimbabwe. Stare of the economy as it is now.

  4. malignant -movie 2021 is the best psychological movie

    😂let me tell you , kunonzi kufambirana ne rate because if you buy airtime with USd its going to be the same . right now 1USD = 180ZW$.

  5. malignant -movie 2021 is the best psychological movie

    😂let me tell you , kunonzi kufambirana ne rate because if you buy airtime with USd its going to be the same . right now 1USD = 180ZW$…

    1. The Antivaxx dude

      Ku Econet 1U$D is = 240 ZW$

  6. Inga Rather

    Aaaaand my great day is ruined😰

  7. Anonymous

    This Econet needed MTN to be given a licence mayb subcribers can have a better alternative….

    1. Low Key-Simba

      The huge chunk of taxes come direct from Econet.
      econet is heavily taxed and competes with parastatals. ma1 ayo Nyaya ye Data is very simple!
      You can’t blame
      for failed polices of a corrupt & incompetent regime!
      Look at how much Econet pays in taxes per dollar you give them, then look at how much MTN pays in taxes per dollar they get in South Africa.
      It is a governance issue

      1. Tapiwa Zenzo

        I sympathize with folks who compare Econet rates with regional rates.
        However have you ever looked at how much the Government of Zimbabwe collects in taxes from econet?Then look at how much regional Governments are taking from their local mobile phone operators in taxes


    The culprit is POTRAZ, the biggest telecom cost is not operational cost but the POTRAZ license. POTRAZ is the biggest hindrance to progress, our internet is limited to Whatsapp, this is killing innovation and research. POTRAZ we beg, please please please please review or completely remove licensing. Once this is done everyone will be happy.

  9. Imi Vanhu Musadaro

    This is great effort by Econet to remind people to register to vote. I encourage them to continue with more frequent and larger reviews. Keep them on their toes Econet!

    1. Runeza T

      Remember prices increases started a few years ago and we are still having issues with them in 2022. Blaming Econet won’t work here, this problem is bigger than them. We need to look into that always. Something is wrong in our economy

  10. james madzivanyika

    we sic and tired of u guyz

  11. William

    Potraz clearly stated that the new costing structure considers the actual costs that the operators are currently facing daily. Mobile networks are therefore expected to bill competitively from these ceiling rates. These prices are still OKAY regionally

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