OK Zimbabwe & NSSA are offering Pensioners a 10% discount

OK Zimbabwe SI 127 of 2021 Stautory Instrument 127 of 2021, Pensioners, 10% Discount, Senior Citizens Week, NSSA

Discounts have been a little obsession of mine over the last few weeks, mostly for USD purchases. Shops like TM Pick N Pay and TV Sales are trying to entice their customers to make purchases in hard currency in order to recoup the elusive USD. However this time there is a discount of a completely different nature. OK Zimbabwe’s chain of stores has partnered up with the National Social Security Authority (NSSA) to offer qualifying Pensioners a 10% discount from the 13th to the 18th of January 2022.

“We take this as an opportunity to recognise and celebrate their accomplishments and bravery. Many parents and grandparents built the society we know today brick by brick, survived wars, droughts, pandemics and persevered in difficult circumstances whilst raising their families”

OK Zimbabwe on Twitter

This discount is part of OK Zimbabwe’s Senior Citizens week and on top of the 10% discount, Pensioners will also be getting:

  • Free chasback at any OK Zimbabwe store.
  • Access to the RBZ Bureaux de Change US$50.00 facility (through OK’s Bureau de Change).
  • Dedicated Tills for pensioners
  • Free deliveries to pensioners in care facilities
  • Access to in-store pharmacies where they are available (OK Masvingo, OK Kwekwe, OK Glenview, Bon Marche Borrowdale and OK Mart Harare)

It’s good to see things like this happening in Zimbabwe, it’s a nice change of pace from the things we report and discover from day to day.

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5 responses

  1. Barf! Avatar

    Oh what a surprise! The zw dollar’s gone SPLAT, yet again, and the most vulnerable are on the receiving end 🙁 When will something come right in Zimbabwe? Certainly not whilst zpf are at the helm and greedy idiots move Heaven and Earth, so they can keep their “mercs ‘n perks” intact

    1. Arnold Sagiya Avatar
      Arnold Sagiya

      Yes good idea but Ok Zimbabwe must stock variety of building materials since most pensioners are struggling to have or built their retirement homes. Everyone is now looking for a home to rest on after years of service and pension money no longer work for retired.

  2. Martin Avatar

    Is it strategic marketing that they chose the most “januarest of days – 13 to 18th of January ” – january disease to be specific” –

  3. Arnold Sagiya Avatar
    Arnold Sagiya

    Yes good idea but Ok Zimbabwe must stock variety of building materials since most pensioners are struggling to have or built their retirement homes. Everyone is now looking for a home to rest on after years of service and pension money no longer work for retired.

  4. Altus Avatar

    And it’s only for a week 🤔

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